Danielle Wildkress, Chief Program Officer, Brilliant Corners
Season 2 Episode 4: Unintended Consequences: Putting Parents On Trial For Child Truancy
More often than not, policymakers pass well-intended policies that result in many unintended consequences- oftentimes disproportionately affecting the most marginalized groups of people. In this miniseries, we dive deep into three arguably well-intended policies whose adverse effects may have outweighed their intended benefits and outcomes. In this episode, we look at Senate Bill 1317, a California law that passed in 2010 allowing Calfironia state counties to prosecute the parents of chronically absent students. Our hosts look at the events leading up to SB 1317 as well as what actually happened once it was passed. Kelsey Paulino, with her co-host Holly Milburn-Smith, details the logic behind SB 1317 by investigating what was going on at the time that caused policymakers to pass a bill that, in hindsight, seems so obviously detrimental to those it was intended to help.
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Contributors include Colin Harmony, Holly Milburn-Smith, and Kelsey Paulino.
Music by Jonah Chang and Jordy Coutin